Tuesday, April 19, 2011


My birthday was last Wednesday and Heath definitely added his little touches. He is not a very mushy, gushy guy so the little things definitely count with him. He had been at school that morning and when he came home he brought with him a big bag of Sour Patch Kids (My favorite!) and a sweet card with the sweetest picture of a toddler couple on the front which he of course said was us lol. He wrote me the sweetest note and made me the happiest mommy-to-be ever!!!

We didn't do anything special that night but on Friday we went to dinner with my parents, my little brother, and his girlfriend Anna. I chose to go have sushi which is ironic considering I can't eat raw fish! We went to my favorite place, Masa Sushi in Clear Lake and boy did I EAT! That morning I had been feeling really bad and had thrown up, for only the 2nd time! I was so determined to feel better by the time we went to dinner, and I did! I hadn't eaten much that day and was ready to grub!!! I am not even going to spill how much I ate but let's just say I did not have anything for a to-go box!

All around I had a great birthday that made me feel special, surrounded by friends and family is all I could have ever asked for :)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

12 Weeks!!

Well, I am rocking the baby bump! I am not exactly sure how much weight I have gained somewhere between 7-10lbs but it definitely shows! Thursday marked my 12th week of pregnancy! I am so looking forward to not feeling sick! Although I cannot complain too much considering I have only thrown up once! The biggest downside is just plain feeling like crud! Nothing seems to sound appetizing and everything has an odor that I cannot stand!! Hopefully I will be able to enjoy a tasty meal that I don't have to cook on my birthday this week!!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Kicking and Kicking

I had my first doctors appointment on Tuesday and I was so nervous! I had no idea what to expect and I had so many questions for my doctor! Despite all of my worries everything went smoothly and I love our doctor! He is so patient and understanding and took as long as I needed to ask him all of the questions I had bouncing around.

Heath was so excited for the ultrasound and boy was it exciting! Our little pumpkin was kicking and moving around like crazy and it's heartbeat was very strong! Music to our ears! Heath asked the ultrasound tech when he would know when his boy was a boy. The tech just laughed and said 4-5 months which is in May! He will never live that down if its a girl ;)

After the high of the ultrasound, I had to get blood work done so they could check everything. That was an experience. I have never had blood drawn and the nurse thought that was crazy! I have never weighed enough to give blood and I have never had an illness where that was necessary. She filled 8 tubes of blood! I thought I was going to pass out just looking at the tubes! Luckily I was fine and didn't even get light headed!

The doctor gave me a due date of October 21, 2011 and asked me if that date was ok with me?! I thought, well doesn't it have to be?! He said some people are superstitious about dates and numbers but that date sounds perfect to me as only 5% of women actually deliver on their due date.

I see the doctor again in 3 weeks but in the mean time I am enjoying that my nausea is subsiding and I love to eat these days! Although my sense of smell is very keen which makes cooking a challenge. It seems that everything I cook does not please my nose or my stomach and its hard for me to eat things that I have cooked. My regular nausea is going away but smells definitely trigger my upset stomach.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Baby Hope Coming October 2011!

Heath and I have restarted our blog so that we can document what's going on with our new addition coming in October! We found out on February 15th that we are expecting our first baby!! We could not be more excited and cannot wait to be parents! Although I am only 5 1/2 weeks along I feel like I have experienced so much!

I cannot get enough water!

I am tired at all times!

I have gained 5lbs!

I am sensitive to smells!

And Heath's favorite....I am extremely moody!

It has been a challenge trying to adjust to my mood swings because Heath doesn't have any changes going on and I have a ton so he's acting the same and I'm all out of wack! But we will find a happy median somewhere :)

The most drastic thing that I have had is how much I am eating! I have specific wants when I'm hungry and unfortunately those things are not always easily accessible. One thing is for sure I crave fresh cut veggies and ranch dip all the time!

The estimated arrival date of our little pumpkin is October 22, 2011!

Stay tuned for future updates and hopefully pictures coming soon!